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Three ways how software robots can make knowledge work safer


Knowledge workers sit at their desks, crunching numbers, writing, planning, coding. Everything is safe and sound, right? Not always so. How can robotics help?


Besides ergonomics, knowledge workers often suffer from work-related stress and even burnout. Software robotics can increase knowledge work safety by helping with the workload, streamlining processes and releasing time for value-added tasks.

Robots ease workload

When are robots at their best? With repeating tasks with a high volume of transactions. Robots can really help us humans with workload by taking over those repeating, mundane tasks, especially in peak times. No more long days!

Some of us already have software robots as new team members. First you teach the robot its required activities and provide it with its own virtual machine. After that, the robot can help with the daily tasks 24/7. You can then monitor its performance, like with any other new employee.

Robotics can streamline processes

One root cause for heavy workload is “firefighting” with daily surprises. Introducing robotics to a process is one way of improving the process itself. A software robot works always the same way, so you must discuss with the stakeholders and define very clear rules for the robot.

After a robot go-live you can get visibility on exceptions. As a result, you can improve the process further, and the amount of rework and exceptions can decrease. The feeling of being in control of your own work increases.

More time to strategic tasks

When aiming to be happy at work, one feasible guideline is the Japanese Ikigai model. In brief it means that your life becomes more meaningful when you do what you love, what the world needs, what you are good at, and what you can be paid for.

Easy and repeating tasks are not always the best way to achieve this kind of work satisfaction. We all need to learn new skills and get new challenges from time to time. A software robot releases time from non-value-added tasks to more strategic ones - it makes it possible for you to do what your company really needs at any given moment. These tasks, where human judgement and knowledge are really needed, are usually very inspiring to an individual.

What are your thoughts? 

Would you like to spend more time in analysing data rather than collecting it? Would you rather concentrate on validating data instead of filing it to different systems? Write your comments below, or join the discussion on Twitter with #smarterbettertogether.

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